Evergreen Chemical Solutions has developed a process that has quickly grown them to being one of the go-to companies for hydrocarbon remediation. The process has evolved over the years since the company has been in business, however it has purposely been engineered to be simple so crews can be easily trained and effective on each job.
The process centers around 3 major aspects – The uniquely formulated chemicals, water and some form of agitation. The chemicals are able to break down the hydrocarbon and form a micro emulsion. Once the oil or other hydrocarbon is in that form the indigenous microbes see it as a food source and will start to consume the oil. The microbes will then release H2O and carbon dioxide, permanently removing the hydrocarbon from the environment. The agitation is important because it speeds up the break down of the hydrocarbon molecule. What is also very unique is Evergreen Chemical Solutions is not adding microbes or enzymes. Our chemicals are able work with the indigenous microbe population in the native soil.
This process will work on any type of hydrocarbon remediation. These include but are not limited to oil spills both onshore and offshore, remediation of oil based drill cuttings on location, flushing lines on a rig, and hard surface cleaning.